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flatzebra Generic game engine for 2D double-buffering animation
flex Fast clone of lex(1), the lexical scanner generator
flexdock Swing windowing and docking framework
flim Emacs lisp library for message representation/encoding
flip-link Zero-cost stack overflow protection for embedded programs
floskell Flexible Haskell source code pretty printer
fortran-utils Utilities for Fortran programmers
fossil High-reliability, distributed software configuration management
fossil1 (V) High-reliability, distributed software configuration management (v1)
fourmolu Formatter for Haskell source code
fq File parsing tool like jq, but for binary files
frama-c Extensible platform dedicated to source-code analysis of C software
freebsd-svn (V) Subversion with FreeBSD commit template
freeimage (V) Library for supporting PNG, BMP, JPEG, and TIFF
freeimageplus (V) Library for supporting PNG, BMP, JPEG, and TIFF (C++ wrapper)
frida-glib2 (V) Some useful routines for C programming (glib2)
frink Tcl formatting and static syntax check program
fromcvs CVS repository conversion tool
frozen Header-only, constexpr alternative to gperf for C++14 users
ftnchek Static analyzer for Fortran programs
g-wrap Tool for generating guile wrappers for C code
galasm Portable GAL assembler
galette A GAL assembler, largely galasm-compatible and written in Rust
garden Grows and cultivates collections of Git trees
gccmakedep Create dependencies in Makefiles using gcc
gce_metadata_server Emulator for the Google Compute Engine Metadata Server
gcli Portable CLI tool for interacting with GitHub/Lab/Tea
GConf Configuration database system used by GNOME
GConf-ui Configuration database system used by GNOME
gconfmm C++ bindings for gconf
gcvs GTK interface for CVS
gdb Symbolic debugger for multiple language frontends
gdb7 Symbolic debugger for multiple language frontends
gdbus-codegen Generate code and/or documentation for one or more D-Bus interfaces
gdl Gnome Devtool Libraries
geany Small and lightweight integrated development environment (IDE)
gearmand Gearman C Server and Library
generate Simple text pre-processor
GenFw (V) Convert ELF to PE-COFF for UEFI
gengetopt Command line parser generator
gentle Gentle Compiler Construction System
gettext Tools for providing messages in different languages
gettext-asprintf Provides a printf-like interface for C++
gettext-lib Internationalized Message Handling Library (libintl)
gettext-m4 Autoconf/automake m4 files for GNU NLS library
gettext-tools Tools for providing messages in different languages
gflags Commandline flags module for C++
gflib Reed Solomon and Galois Field error correction library
giblib Programming utility library
gindent GNU version of pretty-printer for C source code
git GIT version control suite meta-package
git-base GIT Tree History Storage Tool (base package)
git-branchless High-velocity, monorepo-scale workflow for Git
git-cinnabar Remote helper to use mercurial repositories with git
git-cliff Highly customizable Changelog Generator
git-contrib GIT Tree History Storage Tool (contrib)
git-crawl Crawl through git commits
git-credential-osxkeychain Git macOS Keychain credential manager
git-cvs Backend for git to extract data from CVS
git-docs GIT Tree History Storage Tool (documentation)
git-docs-html (V) GIT Tree History Storage Tool (HTML documentation)
git-filter-repo Tool for rewriting git history
git-gitk GIT Tree History Storage Tool (gitk)
git-lfs Git extension for versioning large files
git-multimail (V) Send notification emails for Git pushes
git-perlscripts Git commands that rely on Perl
git-remote-hg Bridge support in git for mercurial
git-spindle (V) Command-line interface to GitHub and other central git services
git-svn Bidirectional operation between a Subversion repository and git
gitnr Create gitignore files using one or more templates
gitolite Gitolite allows you to host Git repositories easily and securely
gitui Terminal UI for git
glade User interface builder for the GTK3+ toolkit
glasgow Software for the Glasgow Interface Explorer
glib Some useful routines for C programming (glib1)
glib2 Some useful routines for C programming (glib2)
glib2-tools GLib2/gobject python-dependent tools
glibmm C++ bindings for glib (2.4 API)
glibmm2.68 C++ bindings for glib (2.68 API)
global Source code tag system including web browser output
gmake GNU version of 'make' utility
gmp Library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
gmtk Gnome-mplayer toolkit
gnatpython Python package used in Ada testsuites
gng Run (or create) each project's own Gradle wrapper
gnome-apps (V) Meta-package for the GNOME applications
gnome-common Generic M4 macros for GNOME development
gnome-core (V) Meta-package for the GNOME core libraries
gnome-js-common (V) GNOME JavaScript common modules and tests
gnustep-base GNUstep foundation classes
gnustep-examples Some GUI programming examples for GNUstep
gnustep-make GNUstep makefile package
gnustep-objc Objective-C runtime
go-gocode Autocompletion daemon for Go
go-gopkgs Tool to get the list of available Go packages
go-goreturns Formatting tool filling in return statements with zero values
go-gox Tool for go cross compilation
go-impl Generate method stubs for implementing an interface
go-mockery A mock code autogenerator for Go
go-nbreader Go library providing a non-blocking reader